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Prayer for Revival of Humility

 Heavenly Father,

We come before You with humble hearts, recognizing our need for a revival of godliness and humility in our lives and in the world around us. We long to see a generation that is deeply devoted to You, walking in righteousness and displaying true humility.

Lord, we repent of any areas in our lives where we have fallen short of Your standard of godliness and humility. Forgive us for the times we have relied on our own strength, wisdom, or accomplishments. We ask for Your grace and mercy to cleanse us and restore us to a place of godliness and humility.

Father, we pray for a revival to sweep across our land and throughout the world. Pour out Your Spirit upon Your people, awakening hearts to a deep hunger and thirst for righteousness. Ignite a passion for Your Word and a desire to live according to Your ways. Raise up leaders and influencers who will model godliness and humility, inspiring others to follow their example.

We ask for a fresh revelation of Your holiness, Lord. Open our eyes to see Your glory and to be transformed by it. Help us to understand the depth of Your love, grace, and mercy, and the greatness of Your power. May this revelation humble us before You and inspire us to live in reverence and awe of Your majesty.

Father, we pray for a revival of humility in our hearts and in the hearts of Your people. Strip away any pride, arrogance, and self-centeredness that may hinder us from fully surrendering to Your will. Teach us to submit to Your authority and to esteem others higher than ourselves. May our interactions be characterized by humility, gentleness, and love.

Lord, we ask for a revival of godliness in our lives. Empower us by Your Holy Spirit to live upright and holy lives, honouring You in all we do. Create in us a hunger for righteousness and a desire to pursue holiness. Help us to live as living sacrifices, presenting our bodies as instruments of righteousness for Your glory.

We also pray for a revival of godliness and humility in the Church as a whole. Unite Your people in a common pursuit of righteousness and a commitment to displaying true humility. Remove any divisions, pride, and self-seeking that may hinder the unity of Your body. May the Church be a beacon of godliness and humility, drawing others to You.

Father, we surrender ourselves to You, asking that You would mould us into vessels of godliness and humility. Work in us and through us, transforming us from the inside out. Use us as instruments of revival, spreading Your love and truth to those around us. In Jesus' name. Amen.